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This report creates a list of all literal strings/numbers, both those declared as constants and those immersed in the code. Consider using a constant or a resourcestring instead of a hard-coded literal string. Using literal strings often makes your code harder to read and maintain.You may use this report to locate and document all strings, for instance when translating your program to another language. This report consists of five sections: Literal strings declared as constants, more than one character (LSTR2) Literal strings in code, more than one character (LSTR3) Literal strings that could be replaced with constants/resourcestrings, more than one character (LSTR4) Literal numbers in code (LSTR5)
The last section only reports numbers that are <> 0.
The sorting done depends on the sort mode setting in Options|Properties - General, so either the sorting will be according to module or according to the string itself.
**************************************************************************** * Literal Strings Report for * * C:\PROJEKT\RAMVERK\GCACHE.PAS * ****************************************************************************
Literal strings declared as constants, more than one character (136): ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
'--' GPeriod (25) '- not used -' GCommon (229) '- not selected -' GCommon (228) '.avi' GCommon (174) '.bin' GCommon (121) '.bmp' GCommon (142) '.db' GCommon (139) '.dbf' GCommon (127)
See also: