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Targets: All
This report lists for every identifier, all locations where it is referenced and set (but only locations in modules that are not excluded for reporting). For objects it also reports locations where the object is created and freed. Identifiers that are only declared, but never used, are not included. The layout is more spacious than in the Brief Cross-reference Report, but the content is equivalent. Here is an excerpt from such a table:
**************************************************************************** * Cross-reference Report for * * C:\PROJEKT\RAMVERK\GCACHE.PAS * ****************************************************************************
Abbreviations: cre=Created fre=Freed imp=Implemented ref=Referenced set=Set unk=Unknown var=Varparam
Cross-reference: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
_FastSameText Func, Interfaced dec GAsmCode (10) imp GAsmCode (90) ref GTools\CheckStringIsValid (2070) ref GTools\IsFullPathToDir (805) ref GTools\IsPartStr (782) ref GTools\SameDirectory (2084) ref GTools\SameExtension (2092)
AChar : Char ValParam dec GTools\CharExistsPas (239) unk GTools\CharExistsPas (2160)
Please note a special case. Consider this rather meaningless code:
It will produce this report:
Cross-reference: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
FMyField : Integer ClassField dec Prop\TMyClass (5) ref Prop (7) ref Prop\ (16) set Prop\ (17)
MyField : Integer Property dec Prop\TMyClass (7) ref Prop\ (16) set Prop\ (17)
Obj : TMyClass Var, Global cre Prop\ (14) dec Prop (12) fre Prop\ (19) ref Prop\ (16) ref Prop\ (17)
TMyClass = Class Type, Global dec Prop (3) ref Prop (12) ref Prop\ (14)
Note that the property declaration on line 8 just renders a "ref" for FMyField. This is because FMyField is really just formally referenced (in read/write declarations) on this line. However, on line 17-18 the property MyField is referenced and set, so this also gives an implicit "ref" and "set" for FMyField,
See also: