_map Map File Report

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Targets: All


The Map File Report is based on a MAP file, and reports which modules (units) that are included in the executable. You can use it to verify that there are not any modules linked in that should not be.



Linked modules (MAPF1)

This section lists modules that are included in the executable according to the MAP file.

Size in bytes is also displayed.




MAPF1-Linked modules:



BAbsRpt (22076)

BContRpt (2904)

BGlobals (160)

BSelFile (2640)

BThread (172)

BUtils (164)

GBrowEve (496)

GBrowUti (1556)

GControls (2316)

GDelphiBitmaps (708)

GDyn2Arr (784)

GDynArr (4320)

GFont (120)

GGlobals (172)





Linked modules by size (MAPF2)

This section lists modules (sorted by size) that are included in the executable according to the MAP file.




MAPF2-Linked modules by size:



PFuncs (730940)

PPreXE8 (653652)

PPre10 (650076)

PPre101 (640536)

PPreXE7 (551948)

PPreXE6 (538068)

PPreXE5 (538040)

JclStrings (526988)

PPreXE4 (446668)

System.Classes (288604)

PPreXE3 (262884)




See also:


R_REF Reference Reports