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This report contains several lists with identifiers that do not comply with conventions for naming of identifiers.
The choice of names for identifiers has a considerable influence on the ease of understanding and maintenance costs of your source code. Developers familiar with the coding standards can understand the code more easily if it follows general conventions.
Ordinary types that do not start with "T" (CONV1)
This is a list of all ordinary types that do not start with the letter “T”. Exception, pointer and interface types are not included. As a convention, user-defined type names start with the letter “T”. A class that is a CoClass is an exception and is not reported. PAL assumes a CoClass when the name of the class starts with the letters “Co”. Furthermore, the class must have a class function with the name “Create”.
Also custom attributes inheriting from TCustomAttribute are not reported.
Exception types that do not start with "E" (CONV2)
This is a list of all exception types that do not start with the letter “E”. As a convention, user-defined exception type names start with the letter “E”.
Pointer types that do not start with "P" (CONV3)
This is a list of all pointer types that do not start with the letter “P”. As a convention, user-defined pointer type names start with the letter “P”.
Interface types that do not start with "I" (CONV4)
This is a list of all interface types that do not start with the letter “I”. As a convention, user-defined interface type names start with the letter “I”.
Class fields that are not declared in the private section (CONV5)
This is a list of all class fields that are not declared in the private section of a class.
Class fields that are exposed by properties (read/write) but do not start with "F" (CONV6)
This is a list of all class fields that are exposed by properties but do not start with the letter “F”. As a convention, private class field names start with the letter “F”.
This section is similar to CONV23, but that section reports all fields, not only those exposed as properties.
Properties to method pointers that do not start with "On/Before/After" (CONV7)
This is a list of all properties to method pointers that do not start with "On/Before/After"
Functions that are exposed by properties (read) but do not start with "Get" (CONV8)
This is a list of all functions that are exposed by properties read methods, but do not start with “Get”. As a convention, these functions (methods) should start with the letters “Get” (e g GetIndex, GetBitmap).
Procedures that are exposed by properties (write) but do not start with "Set" (CONV9)
This is a list of all functions that are exposed by properties write methods, but do not start with “Set”. As a convention, these procedures (methods) should start with the letters “Set” (e.g. SetIndex, SetBitmap).
Classes that have visible constructors with bad names (CONV10)
This is a list of all classes that have constructors with bad names. As a convention, constructor names start with the letters “Create”. For old-style objects (BP7), the constructor names start with the letters “Init”.
Classes that have visible destructors with bad names (CONV11)
This is a list of all classes that have destructors with bad names. As a convention, destructor names start with the letters “Destroy”. For old-style objects (BP7), the destructor names start with the letters “Done”.
Identifiers that have unsuitable names (CONV12)
This is a list of all identifiers with names that are the same as directives, e.g. “pascal”, “dynamic”, “index” and others. Even if the compiler allows this, it may lead to misunderstandings. For Delphi 1 and higher, the list also includes identifiers with identical names as identifiers from the System unit (like “Copy”, “AllocMem”).
Multiple with-variables (CONV13) This is a list of all locations in the source where multiple with-variables (“with A, B do”) are used. It is often considered a bad coding habit to use multiple with-variables, since they make the source more difficult to understand.
Property access methods that are not private/protected (CONV14) This is a list of all property access methods that are not declared as private/protected. Property access methods are used with properties, e. g:
property MyProp : integer read GetMyProp write SetMyProp
where GetMyProp and SetMyProp are property access methods.
Those methods should not be directly callable from the outside, because all access should go through the associated property.
Hard to read identifier names (CONV15)
This is a list of all identfiers with hard to read names. A name is considered hard to read if it contains both the letter “O” and the number”0”, or both the letter “l” and the number “1”.
This list contains all labels that are used in the source code. Labels define jump-locations for a goto statement. Usage of labels and goto-statements is considered as a bad thing, which is most often not needed in modern object-oriented programming. There are situations though, when a label may be the right choice.
Bad class visibility order (CONV17)
This list contains all class types with bad class visibility order in the declaration. Bad order is defined as when private sections appear after public/protected sections or when protected sections appear after public sections. The code is probably easier to understand and maintain if a good visibility order is used.
Classes that PAL thinks are derived from TForm are not reported. This is because these type of classes depend on a special order, starting with published identifiers.
Identifiers with numerals (CONV18)
This list contains all identifiers with names that contain numerals.
Local identifiers that "shadow" outer scope identifiers (CONV19)
This list contains local identifiers that have the same name as outer scope identifiers in the same unit.
Although this is allowed, it may lead to confusion and misunderstandings when maintaining the code.
Local identifiers that "shadow" class members (CONV20)
This list contains local identifiers in methods that have the same name as a class member.
Although this is allowed, it may lead to confusion and misunderstandings when maintaining the code.
Class/member name collision (CONV21)
This section reports situations where class and member names collide.
Class fields that are not declared in the private/protected sections (CONV22)
This is a list of all class fields that are not declared in the private/protected sections of a class. Fields should normally not be made "public". They should instead be accessed through properties
Class fields that do not start with "F" (CONV23)
This is a list of all class fields that not start with the letter “F”. As a convention, private class field names start with the letter “F”. Component fields in the DFM-file are not reported.
This section is similar to CONV6, but that section only reports field exposed as properties.
Value parameters that do not start with selected prefix (CONV24)
This is a list of all value parameters that do not start with the selected prefix. Set the prefix in the Reports tab page for the project. Double-click on the Convention Report, select report section CONV24 and press the Prefix button to enter the prefix.
Const parameters that do not start with selected prefix (CONV25)
This is a list of all const parameters that do not start with the selected prefix. Set the prefix in the Reports tab page for the project. Double-click on the Convention Report, select report section CONV25 and press the Prefix button to enter the prefix.
Out parameters that do not start with selected prefix (CONV26)
This is a list of all out parameters that do not start with the selected prefix. Set the prefix in the Reports tab page for the project. Double-click on the Convention Report, select report section CONV26 and press the Prefix button to enter the prefix.
Var parameters that do not start with selected prefix (CONV27)
This is a list of all var parameters that do not start with the selected prefix. Set the prefix in the Reports tab page for the project. Double-click on the Convention Report, select report section CONV27 and press the Prefix button to enter the prefix.
Old-style function result (CONV28)
This is a list of functions where instead of "Result", the function name is used as the result variable.
This is a list of locations where "with" is used.
Private can be changed to strict private (CONV30)
This is a list of class members that are private but can be changed to strict private.
Protected can be changed to strict protected (CONV31)
This is a list of class members that are protected but can be changed to strict protected.
See also: