Preferences - Source Code

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On the Source code tab page, select the action taken when double-clicking on a line in the report viewer.




Double-clicking a line in a report gives this action

These options are available:


No action

Nothing happens when double-clicking.


Source file is opened and focused in the built-in editor  (default)

If you want to quickly view the source code line, this is a convenient option. The file is opened in the built-in editor.  plus a button that closes the window.


Source file is opened and focused in the Delphi IDE

If Delphi is running, control is transferred to the source file in the code editor. This option works with Delphi from version 5.


Source file is opened in an external application

If this option is selected, you must enter a complete path to the application, and a command-line.


Source file is opened in the built-in editor, plus opened and focused in the Delphi IDE

This is a combination of the options to open in the built-in editor and in the Delphi IDE. The Delphi IDE will be focused


Source file is opened in the Delphi IDE, plus opened and focused in the built-in editor.

This is a combination of the options to open in the Delphi IDE and in the built-in editor. The editor will be focused



Enter a complete path to the application, e.g "C:\WINDOWS\Notepad". This option is only relevant when "Source file is opened in an external application" has been selected.



Enter a command-line that is supplied as a parameter. In the command-line, use "%1" for the source file path and "%2" for the row number. These strings will be substituted for the real values when the call is done.

This option is only relevant when "Source file is opened in an external application" has been selected.


For example, when configuring Notepad to open the source file, enter "C:\WINDOWS\Notepad" as path, and "%1" for command.



Interact with Delphi IDEs

The plugins PALWIZ*.DLL enable Delphi to show the relevant code module when double-clicking on a report line in Pascal Analyzer.


For all installed versions of Delphi 5, 6 and 7, the wizard will be registered under the following registry key:



(exchange “x” for the version number).


For other versions:


Delphi 8



Delphi 2005



Delphi 2006



Delphi 2007



Delphi 2009



Delphi 2010



Delphi XE



Delphi XE2



Delphi XE3



Delphi XE4



Delphi XE5



Delphi XE6



Delphi XE7



Delphi XE8



Delphi 10



Delphi 10.1



Delphi 10.2



Delphi 10.3



Delphi 10.4



Delphi 11



Delphi 12



If you install any Delphi version after Pascal Analyzer has been installed, the registry settings have to be updated. In this case, enter the Preferences dialog, mark check boxes and click the button Update registry.


After clicking Update registry, the changes will take place the next time you start the Delphi IDE. Of course, because the registry is modified, you must run under an account that is allowed to do this, when clicking this button.


When updating the registry, the changes are immediately applied, regardless if you leave the dialog by pressing the OK or Cancel button.



Buffered viewer

Default = Yes


Select this checkbox to load source files in a more efficient manner. The drawback is that the source code file is locked by the viewer, so it cannot be edited by another application. For example, if the file is loaded in the viewer you cannot at the same time edit and save it in the Delphi IDE. If you want to be able to do so, you must deselect this option. This may give longer loading times especially for large source code files.



Show line numbers

Default = Yes


Select this checkbox if you want line numbers to appear in the left margin of the source viewer window.


Expand tab characters

Default = 8


Select the number of characters that a TAB character should be expanded to, when viewing source code.



See also:


Options menu

Preferences - General

Preferences - Editor