_3RDDEPThird-party Dependencies Report

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This report has five sections:


Third-party folders directly referenced (THPA1)

Third-party units directly referenced (THPA2)

Third-party identifiers directly referenced (THPA3)

Third-party identifiers directly referenced, with locations (THPA4)

Third-party class and interface types directly referenced (THPA5)


All code is considered to be third-party (external), if it is located in a folder that is different than the folder for the project main file. Possibly this will also include code that is not really third-party (external), but your own.


But there is also a possibility to mark additional folders as "own" (optionally also subfolders). There is a button on the Reports tab page.


The report will give you an overview of how your code depends on third-party code. You may for example discover that a particular set of third-party code is only used briefly. In that case you may decide to replace it to get rid of the dependency.


The report sections showing identifiers include ALL found identifiers, even those that are located in folders that are excluded for reporting. The reason for this is that you otherwise would have to include these folders to get this information, leading to much bigger lists for other reports.


Also note, that this report gives the best results if you select to parse all code (option "All files" in project options, General tab page).

As explained above, you can use the option "Exclude identifiers from other folders in reports.." to avoid big lists in other reports.


There is an option "Also subfolders". If this option is checked, code that is located in subfolders below the main folder, is NOT considered to be third-party code.




*                   Third-party dependencies Report for                    *

*                         C:\PROJEKT\PIM\EPA.DPR                           *



(9) Third-party folders directly referenced:



C:\Program Files\FastReports\FastReport\Source







(36) Third-party modules directly referenced:














See also:


R_REF Reference Reports