The Reductions report area contains:
- Code Reduction (REDU1-REDU24)
This report considers items that could be removed from the code, thus making it easier to maintain.
REDU1-Identifiers never used
REDU2-Local identifiers only used at a lower scope
REDU3-Local identifiers only used at a lower scope, but in more than one subprogram
REDU4-Local identifiers that are set and referenced once
REDU5-Local identifiers that possibly are set and referenced once
REDU6-Local identifiers that are set more than once without referencing in-between
REDU7-Local identifiers that possibly are set more than once without referencing in-between
REDU8-Class fields that are zero-initialized in constructor
REDU9-Class fields that possibly are zero-initialized in constructor
REDU10-Local long strings that are initialized to empty string
REDU11-Local long strings that possibly are initialized to empty strings
REDU12-Functions called only as procedures (result ignored)
REDU13-Functions/procedures (methods excluded) only called once
REDU14-Methods only called once from other method of the same class
REDU15-Unneeded boolean comparisons
REDU16-Boolean assignment can be shortened
REDU17-Fields only used in single method
REDU18-Consider using interface type
REDU19-Redundant parentheses
REDU20-Common subexpression, consider elimination
REDU21-Default parameter values that can be omitted
REDU22-Inconsistent conditions
REDU23-Typecasts that possibly can be omitted
REDU24-Local identifiers never used
See also: