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This command displays the help system.



Help|Visit Peganza on the Internet


This command opens Peganza's home page in your web browser. Read the latest information about Pascal Browser and our other products.



Check for newer version


This command checks if there is a newer version of PAB available. This is the same kind of check that can be done automatically when starting the program, see Options menu.



Help|Deactivate License


If you need to move the installation to another computer, you can deactivate the license on the current computer. Then you will be able to activate the license on the new computer. The installation on the old computer will not longer run.


See the license.txt file in the program directory for more information.





Displays the application’s About dialog box. You can here find, among other information, the version number.


Click "Refresh" to update the information about your support plan, and when it expires.



See also: