This menu item will start an analysis of the currently focused module (source unit) in the editor. It will only report issues for this module, but it will scan all dependant source files.
Some of the issues are either not relevant or subject to false negative or positive results, and will not be examined for this kind of analysis. For best and complete results: Select Analyze project instead.
Issues that are always excluded:
STWA2-Ambiguous unit references
WARN1-Interfaced identifiers that are used, but not outside of unit
WARN2-Interfaced class identifiers that are public/published, but not used outside of unit
Issues that are excluded if the examined identifier is declared in the interface section, or if the examined identifiers has references to unknown identifier:
REDU1-Identifiers never used
REDU12-Functions called only as procedures (result ignored)
REDU13-Functions/procedures (methods excluded) only called once
REDU14-Methods only called once from other method of the same class
OPTI5-Virtual methods (procedures/functions) that are not overridden
Issues that are often excluded if the examined identifiers has references to unknown identifier:
WARN3-Variables that are referenced, but never set
WARN5-Variables that are set, but never referenced
WARN7-Local variables that are referenced before they are set
WARN9-Var parameters that are used, but never set
WARN11-Value parameters that are set
WARN40-Local for-loop variables read after loop
WARN46-Local variables that are set but not later used
WARN51-Out parameter is read before set
REDU2-Local identifiers only used at a lower scope
REDU3-Local identifiers only used at a lower scope, but in more than one subprogram
REDU4-Local identifiers that are set and referenced once
REDU6-Local identifiers that are set more than once without referencing in-between
OPTI8-Parameter is "var", can be changed to "out"
See Analyze project for more information about how analyzing works.
See also:
Menu items
Analyze project
Quick analysis of module
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